viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Classification of animals.

Animals are classified in several ways. 


  • Quadrupeds:  because they walk on four feet. 

     Example: Horse, cow,dog, cat...  
  • Bipeds: Have only two legs. Often the birds.
     Example: Duck, hen, ostrich...

  • VertebrateWhen animals have bones.
  Example: Rhinoceros, camel, kangaroo...

  • Invertebrates: Are animals that have no skeleton

      Example: Worm, butterfly, fly...

  • TerrestrialThose who live or move in the land
   Example: Mouse, gazelle, buffalo...

  • AquaticAnimals are living or moving in water 
   Example: Whale, fish, seal...

  • Herbivorous: Those animals that her diet is based on grass and herbs. 
   ExampleElephant, lamb, sheep... 


  • Carnivorous: Are all the animals in their diet is basically meat
   Example:Tiger, lion, panther

Below there is a video, about the kinds of animals

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